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Ruling Our Experience (ROX)



What is ROX?
Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX) is the national non-profit leader on research, education, and programming for girls.


The ROX Mission
The mission of ROX is to create generations of confident girls who control their own relationships, experiences, decisions and futures.


Where we are and where we started!



  • Aug./Sept. - ROX will train three additional instructors, Kelly Lanci, HS Media Specialist, Beth Lewandowski, moderate/severe Intervention Specialist, and Tina Burdette, HS counselor, who will hold classes at the SMFHS 

2020-2021  (Covid put a damper on our plans, but we persevered.)

  • Lakeview held ROX training for some of our girls.

  • May 1, Field of Blooms in Mantua, Rose Standish, owner, held a field to vase event and donated $25.00 from each attendee’s fees to SMF ROX.

  • June - ROX will train two instructors, Sarah Noviski, speech pathologist and MacKenzie Bowers, Title 1 instructor & HS girls CC and track coach, who will hold ROX classes at the SMFHS. 


  • ROX groups for students at both Lakeview Intermediate and Kimpton Middle schools.

  • Instructors, Kathy Schmidt and Leslie Haynam, presented the ROX program to our Stow-Munroe Falls Board of Education. They unanimously supported the program.

The ROX program receives NO money from the district and is funded through donations and fundraisers!

  • Feb. - held a community breakfast with community, business, and political leaders to present the ROX program and ask for support.

  • SMF (Supporting More Females) ROX was created as a support for the success of ROX.

  • SMF ROX discussed ideas and plans to continue to support and expand ROX to the high school


  • The Stow-Munroe Falls City School District began our ROX program for girls at Lakeview Intermediate and Kimpton Middle schools with a grant from the Summit County ADM (alcohol, drugs, mental illness) board. 

  • Five instructors, Kathy Schmidt and Frances Penney from Lakeview, Bobbi Angely and Leslie Haynam from Kimpton, and Jen Ashton, on site counselor, from both Lakeview and Kimpton, went to Columbus to train as our first ROX instructors.


  • Our Lakeview Intermediate School counselor learned of and saw the ROX program in the Green School District. 

  • It became her goal to bring ROX to Stow-Munroe Falls.


Please explore these links to find out more about who we are and what we do here in Stow, as well as information about the Columbus-based national program ROX. 

The ROXHomepage:


The ROX program explained:

The Girls’ Index ROX Research:

ROX Facilitators

Kelly Lanci

My name is Kelly Lanci and I am the library/media specialist at Stow-Munroe Falls High School. I have been in this position for 14 years. Before my position at Stow Munroe Falls I taught 7th grade ELA in Maple Heights City Schools. My 27 years of teaching experience can be summarized as enlightening. I have had the opportunity to work with wonderful students and learn so much from them. While I am not in school I enjoy spending time with my three daughters, short trips, and reading. 



Frances Penney

My name is Frances Penney and I am a 5-6th grade ELA and Social Studies teacher at Lakeview Intermediate. I have taught in Stow for 14 years, and I truly enjoy working with this age group. I have been an educational assistant in elementary special education classrooms, a substitute teacher, after school tutor, and also taught ESL for adults. I love teaching, and I also love being part of a group that encourages confidence and assertiveness in young women. I take pride in being one of the facilitators that helps to teach our ROX girls how to be confident and proud of who they are and also impact other girls in a positive way. 


Leslie Haynam

I am the Kimpton Middle School LIbrary Media Specialist. This is my 6th year in the Stow-Munroe Falls City School district and my 21st year in education. I have also had the privilege of teaching english at Marlington High School and being the district library media specialist at Northwest local schools. I absolutely love my middle students