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As a school; we continue to focus on our expectations that will help lead to academic and behavioral success. Many schools; including ours, design their expectations within the PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports) framework. What is PBIS? A school-wide approach to discipline and a process for creating safer and more effective schools. Through PBIS we have developed school-wide expectations and are continually in the process of teaching and reteaching these expectations to the student body. Students are continually reminded about expectations for several settings: the classroom, library, computer lab, restroom, cafeteria, playground and bus. Lakeview's expectations can be summed up with the simple PAWS acronym: Put Safety 1st, Act Responsibly, Work Hard and Show Respect. Students are being recognized for being "pawsitive" examples of these expectations. Teacher referrals are read during morning announcements and shared with students’ families.  Students also receive a "paw" inspired gift from the office. Should the need arise for students to be redirected; parents may receive a SWAP (same expectations; different acronym) form. Should this occur; we ask for parent support in reminding students that they should "swap" inappropriate behaviors for productive ones.